Privacy policy

Privacy Policy
in which we inform you, as a visitor of our website, as well as the recipient of our services, of our company’s data management and data protection rules.

1. What principles do we follow in our data management?
Our company follows the following principles in its data management:

we process personal data legally and fairly and transparently for you.
we collect personal data only for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and do not process it in a way incompatible with those purposes.
the personal data we collect and process is appropriate and relevant to the purposes of the data processing and is limited to what is necessary.
Our company will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the data we process is accurate and, where necessary, up-to-date, and inaccurate personal data will be deleted or corrected immediately.
we store personal data in such a way that you can only be identified for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which the personal data are processed.
we ensure the adequate security of personal data against unauthorized or unlawful handling, accidental loss, destruction or damage of personal data by applying appropriate technical and organizational measures.
Our company provides your personal information
with your prior informed and voluntary consent and only to the extent necessary and in all cases, we handle, ie collect, record, organize, store and use it.
in some cases the processing of your data is based on legal regulations and is mandatory, in such cases we draw your attention to this fact.
or, in certain cases, our Company or a third party has a legitimate interest in the processing of your personal data, such as the operation, development and security of our website.
2. Who are we?
Company Name: Royal Club Cesarica d.o.o
Postal address: ____________________
Email address:
Tax number: 26069605384
Company registration number: 081037934

Our company is not obliged to appoint a data protection officer under Article 37 of the GDPR

Our company’s hosting provider:

Name of the hosting provider: Braunique Solutions Kft.

The seat of the hosting provider: 1154 Budapest, Bercsényi Miklós utca 51.

Hosting provider’s website:

In order to provide high-quality service to our customers, our company uses the following data processors:

Data controller (1): ____________________

Title (1): ____________________

Responsibilities (1): All activities

If we change the scope of our data processors, the changes will be reflected in this prospectus.

Data we manage:

We only ask our website visitors for their personal data if they want to register, log in or participate in a sweepstakes.

We cannot link personal information provided in connection with the use of our registration or marketing services, and it is not our goal to identify our visitors.

If you have any questions related to data management, you can request further information by e-mail or postal address,, we will send you our answer within 15 days (but not more than 1 month) to the contact details you have provided.

3. What are cookies and how do we handle them?
Cookies are small data files (hereinafter referred to as cookies) that are placed on your computer via the website using the website and saved and stored by your internet browser. Most of the most commonly used Internet browsers (Chrome, Firefox, etc.) accept and allow the download and use of cookies by default, but it is up to you to refuse or disable them by changing your browser settings, or to store cookies already stored on your computer. can delete. For more information on the use of cookies, see the „help” menu item in each browser.

There are cookies that do not require your prior consent. Our website provides brief information about these when you start your first visit, such as authentication, multimedia player, load balancing, session cookies to help you customize the user interface, and user-centric security cookies.

Our Company will inform you about the cookies requiring consent – if the data processing already starts by visiting the site – at the beginning of the first visit and we will ask for your consent.

Our company does not use or allow cookies that allow third parties to collect data without your consent.

Acceptance of cookies is not mandatory, however, our Company is not responsible if, in the absence of cookies, our website may not function as expected.

What cookies do we use?

Name: _ga
Purpose: To register the unique identifier that